Neuromuscular Therapy

Neuromuscular Therapy is a specific, targeted approach to treating many types of musculoskeletal pain. Its various manual techniques are highly efficient and effective at enhancing the health of the soft tissues throughout the musculoskeletal system, thereby decreasing pain.

Created by Douglas Nelson (licensed massage therapist, educator, and author), Precision Neuromuscular Therapy (PNMT) is more than a technique or modality; it is a way of applying clinical reasoning in soft-tissue therapy. Three broad principles help define PNMT:

  • Deductive. For every symptom presented, there are multiple possible causes. PNMT strives to get to the most likely source as efficiently as possible.

  • Science-based. Therapeutic techniques are driven by research, rather than philosophically based.

  • Client-focused. Because the causes of every symptom can be different, each client should receive a customized treatment, rather than a routine or recipe. One size fits nobody.

After taking hundreds of hours of training in PNMT, I am highly proficient in this modality.

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Neuromuscular Massage Therapy of the upper back-shoulder and palm of the hand.