With 32 years of experience, I have devoted my career to comprehensive training and ongoing education in trigger point and neuromuscular therapies, myofascial release, and multiple other research-backed and evidence-based modalities that help prevent pain, eliminate pain, and relieve stress.

Extending far beyond basic gentle massage, my work is based on clinical reasoning and a client-focused (versus protocol-focused) approach to each individual and therapeutic concern. As a result, I offer clients multiple benefits. Among them:

Pain Relief

Myofascial Release Massage on the lower back
  • Headaches

  • Neck pain

  • Shoulder issues

  • Low back pain

  • Hip pain

  • Knee pain

  • Foot pain

  • And more

My comprehensive knowledge, clinical reasoning, hands-on skills, and decades of experience equip me to alleviate a wide variety of pain issues in different populations, from young to old, and from inactive to highly athletic.

Movement Improvement

Trigger points and dysfunctional fascia can cause noticeable limitations in movement. Mistakenly, many people believe that their pain and dysfunction are the exclusive and inevitable result of “old age.” Not necessarily so!

I free people from imprisoning their minds and bodies with this type of thinking, and give them the reins to lead their lives in the direction of pain-free movement, towards an energetic and functional lifestyle.

Stress Relief

Knowing that I specialize in pain-relief and problem-solving, some clients ask if I ever perform a full-body session simply to facilitate a deep sense of relaxation. Of course!

When delivering these sessions, however, I rarely use a light touch. Pain and tightness are stress, so this treatment usually includes working out trigger points and other areas of tightness. Although pressure is applied, this is a stress-relieving experience that also works out the kinks.

Maintenance/Pain Prevention

Once we agree that we have successfully gotten your pain issue under control, I highly recommend maintenance work. For most people, getting on the table every 4-6 weeks is a good interval to maintain healthy tissues and optimal movement. Often, you can even continue improvement at this phase.